Posted on 01/10/2024 · Posted in Dogana, IMPORT, Normative

La Turchia ha introdotto misure antielusione per l’importazione di fibre in poliestere e tessuti in fibre sintetiche, mentre l’Indonesia ha adottato misure di salvaguardia per teloni in plastica e fibre sintetiche.

Segnaliamo gli aggiornamenti trasmessi dall’Ufficio Difesa Commerciale Passiva del Ministero Affari Esteri (DGUE – Uff. X) in relazione a misure e procedimenti attivati da Paesi terzi nei confronti delle produzioni/esportazioni UE o di singoli Stati membri

1) TURCHIA –  è stato pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale turca l’avviso del formale avvio di una interim review delle misure anti-elusione su tessuti sintetici (woven fabrics) che interessano diversi paesi, tra cui l’Italia. Le autorità turche notificheranno l’avvio della procedura agli importatori e produttori/esportatori interessati, che avranno 37 giorni di tempo per registrarsi e compilare i questionari utili all’indagine. Ulteriori dettagli qui di seguito e nel comunicato allegato (traduzione in inglese resa disponibile dalla commissione europea).

Product: Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Filament Yarn and Synthetic and Artificial Stable Fibers

Country taking action: Türkiye

EU Countries concerned: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Croatia,Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania,Slovakia, and Slovenia

Type of case: Anti-circumvention

Status + date: Initiation of interim investigation : 27.9.2024

Tariffcode: HS 540700, 551300-16

Comments: The communique (notice of initiation) has been published on theOG: (also attached in original and machine translatedversion). Investigation has been initiated in accordance with Article 34 of the Regulation regarding interim reviews.Investigating authority will send a notification to the interested parties (importers, producers/exporters and diplomaticmissions)regarding initiation of the investigation including information on questionnaire forms.

Duration for submissions/ replies to questionnaires will start from the date of notification and it will be 37 days for theinterested parties a notification will be sent. For the others, it will start as of today.

Questionnaires will be uploaded in the following link: (not uploaded yet)

The notice reminds that in accordance with the Article 26 of the Regulation, if one of the parties fails to provide thenecessary information within the specified periods, or provides incorrect information, or refuses to provide information, oris understood to be hindering the investigation, the decision regarding the investigation, whether positive or negative, istaken based on the available data. The “findings” and “guaranty payment application-producer certificate”stated in the article 7 (6) and 8(2) of the communique is particularly noteworthy with regard to increased imports in first half of 2024 atdecreased unit prices (at a level of Chinese price) and allegedly over their production capacity from Tessitura Uboldi LuigiS.R.L. located in Italy, which has been exempted from the measures in the original investigation.

Türkiye woven Communique 2024-29 review initiation2709_EN.docx (IN ALLEGATO)

Case handler DG Trade: Viktoria Pestova; Miriam

2) TURCHIA – estese per ulteriori 3 anni le misure di salvaguardia su staple fibres (polyester fibre) come segue:

Code 5503.

Additional liability (USD/Kg)

period 23/9/2024-22/9/2025: 0,048

period 23/9/2025-22/9/2026: 0,044

period 23/9/2026-22/9/2027: 0,040

Case handler DG Trade: Viktoria Pestova

3) INDONESIA – notificata all’OMC l’avvio di un’indagine di salvaguardia su teloni in plastica e fibre sintetiche (polipropilene,polietilene ecc):

Case handler DG Trade: Sonja SMINDEROVAC

Ulteriori contatti UE di riferimento: email – ; webpage “Actions against exportsfrom the EU” –


Türkiye woven Communique 2024-29 review initiation2709_EN